Suzuki’s efforts
As stated in the Suzuki Group Code of Conduct, we strive to rigorously implement respect for human rights as we believe that it is the base for all corporate activities. In December 2022, we established the Suzuki Group’s new basic policy regarding human rights. Guided by this policy, we will advance human rights initiatives together with all stakeholders.
Suzuki Group’s basic policy regarding human rights
(Basic policy)
Suzuki Motor Corporation (hereinafter, Suzuki) has been placing the motto “Develop products of superior value by focusing on the customer,” as the first paragraph of its Mission Statement, and strives to make truly valuable products to satisfy customers (established in 1962).
In keeping with the spirit of the Mission Statement, Suzuki has formulated the Suzuki Group Code of Conduct (hereinafter, the Code of Conduct) as a set of rules for enabling all officers and employees working in the Suzuki Group (Suzuki and its consolidated subsidiaries) to dedicate themselves to their duties healthily, efficiently and energetically (formulated in 2016). The Code of Conduct clearly establishes respect for human rights as an important guiding principle and states that the Suzuki Group will remain aware of international norms concerning human rights and respect fundamental human rights in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country or region.
The Suzuki Group has no intention of taking part in any action that would lead to infringement of human rights. We believe that respect for human rights is the foundation of all of our global corporate activities, and therefore we will thoroughly implement respect for human rights.
1. Governance
(1) Compliance with laws, regulations, and international norms concerning human rights
The Suzuki Group will respect the human rights stipulated in international rules (freedom of association, approval of collective bargaining rights, prohibition of forced labor, prohibition of child labor, elimination of discrimination, etc.), such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR); International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); and The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (ILO Core Labor Standards). The Suzuki Group will work to implement respect for human rights, referring to guidelines such as the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and Japan’s Guidelines on Respect for Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains.
Furthermore, the Suzuki Group will comply with local laws and regulations regarding human rights in every country where it conducts business. If there are discrepancies between international norms on human rights and the laws and regulations of each country or region, the Suzuki Group will strive to respect the higher standard of human rights.
(2) Scope of application
This policy applies to all officers and employees (including dispatched employees). Companies in the Suzuki Group will strive to thoroughly inform their officers and employees about this policy to ensure their compliance.
The Suzuki Group also expects all of its business partners involved in its operations, including suppliers and dealers, to understand this policy and make efforts to respect human rights. We will actively encourage such efforts and cooperate with our business partners to advance activities.
(3) Suzuki’s management structure
At the Executive Committee, which is attended by Executive Directors and divisional responsible persons (Managing Officers and Executive General Managers), issues, policies and measures concerning sustainability, including human rights, are discussed. Issues of particular importance are discussed by the Board of Directors. Along with the management, the Company as a whole aims to promote viable activities.
Respect for human rights was discussed as part of the process of defining the Company’s materiality (key issues). It was defined as one of the “Issues for strengthening the business base,” and confirmed by the Board of Directors in October 2021.
2. Response to human rights risks (human rights due diligence)
(1) Defining human rights risks
The Suzuki Group will define potential or actual human rights risks linked to its business and establish mechanisms to prevent or mitigate such risks. Notably, the Suzuki Group will conduct these activities based on the awareness that emerging countries where it actively conducts business have relatively high human rights risks, such as the risks of forced labor and child labor.
(2) Remediation and remedy
If it is found that we have caused or are involved in any adverse human rights impacts, we will take appropriate steps to remediate such impacts.
As part of these efforts, the Suzuki Group will set up a consultation desk that can be used by the relevant affected parties.
(3) Education
We will provide appropriate human rights-related education and awareness-raising for all officers and employees working at the Suzuki Group to ensure that they understand and implement this policy.
(4) Dialogue and discussion with stakeholders
We will continuously conduct dialogue and discussion about impacts on human rights with relevant stakeholders both within and outside the Company.
In addition, we will consult with third-party organizations with expertise in human rights to ensure the effectiveness of our efforts.
(5) Disclosure of information
We will periodically disclose information regarding our human rights efforts and strive for transparency, while also fulfilling our accountability to stakeholders.
The Board of Directors approved this policy in December 2022. It will be amended as needed based on the circumstances.
December 2022
Toshihiro Suzuki
Representative Director and President
Priorities for human rights
1. Prohibiting discrimination and harassment
Suzuki will not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, language, religion, creed, social origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, health status, disability, or any other attribute or condition unrelated to duties.
We will not engage in any form of harassment, mental or physical, including power harassment, sexual harassment, and harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare leave. We strive to create a workplace in which all employees can work with peace of mind.
2. Prohibiting forced labor
We will not tolerate forced labor or any form of modern slavery, including human trafficking, through violence, threats, debt, etc.
We recognize that migrant and foreign workers are vulnerable to exploitation and forced labor, and we will address these risks in cooperation with not only the Suzuki Group but also our business partners and other parties involved in our business, including suppliers. We will cooperate with third-party organizations to ascertain the actual situation and encourage the Suzuki Group, suppliers, dealers, etc. to ensure that migrant and foreign workers are employed under appropriate working conditions.
3. Prohibiting child labor
We will not employ persons under the minimum legal working age in our business activities or business relationships. We will not allow young workers to engage in hazardous work.
In addition, we recognize that there are concerns about child labor and other human rights violations in mineral mining, and we strive to identify human rights risks and take appropriate measures when risks are identified.
4. Engaging in dialogue and discussion with employees
We will respect employees’ freedom of association and right to collective bargaining in accordance with international guidelines and the laws and regulations of each country and region, and we will engage in honest dialogue and discussion with our employees. We will not threaten or retaliate in any way against any employee representative or organization that exercises these rights.
TOPICSPresident participates in human rights and business symposium
Suzuki President Toshihiro Suzuki took part in the “Human Rights Due Diligence in Japanese Companies” symposium hosted by the Global Human Resources Support Hamamatsu public corporation in Hamamatsu City on February 2, 2023.
Shinichi Takasaki, Director, International Labour Organization (ILO) Office in Japan, delivered a keynote speech, and then joined President Suzuki as they took the stage for a talk session to exchange various opinions on human rights and business. President Suzuki expressed his stance that efforts to address human rights issues “must be protected at all costs,” and stated the challenge that “it is difficult for one company to make all suppliers visible.” Takasaki explained, “there is a need for many people, companies, organizations and the like to be involved and discuss issues while they address human rights.”
We will continue to promote human rights efforts in collaboration with suppliers and other outside experts, seeking their knowledge and cooperation.
Employee consultation desk
As a consultation service that specializes in human resources matters including harassment in the workplace, and consultations relating to safety, health, and mental health, the Human Resources and Administration Consultation Service is open. In addition to the consultation service, an Improvement Proposal Box is located at cafeterias and offices, allowing every employee to easily make a proposal on work improvements or request a consultation. We have also set up the Mental Health Consultation Room with a psychiatrist and psychotherapist and introduced an external counseling service (EAP).
TOPICSKUROFUNE and Suzuki start collaboration to improve life satisfaction of foreign employees in Suzuki
- Utilize KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT life assistance app for foreigners working in Japan
- Promote an environment where diverse human resources can make the most of their abilities
KUROFUNE Inc. (Head Office: Nagoya, Aichi; Founder and CEO Ryo Kurakata; hereinafter “KUROFUNE”) and Suzuki launched an initiative in July 2023 to improve the quality of living and work satisfaction of Suzuki’s foreign employees by utilizing KUROFUNE’s smartphone application for foreigners living and working in Japan, KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT.
KUROFUNE develops the life assistance app KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT, with the aim of grasping the worries and concerns of foreigners working in Japan and providing concrete and continuous support. Through this collaboration, KUROFUNE will conduct interviews to understand the needs of Suzuki’s Indian employees in Japan and aim to develop new services.
Suzuki believes that it is important to create an environment in which employees can work energetically and demonstrate their motivation and abilities in a physically and mentally fulfilled state. The Company also recognizes that its competitive edge will be enhanced by having a diverse workforce. At present, foreign employees are active mainly in the technical departments in Japan, and the Company plans to increase the number of direct recruitments such as from the Indian Institute of Technology in the future. In the growth strategy announced in January 2023, Suzuki also announced a policy to strengthen its R&D structure by collaborating with overseas Group companies such as the R&D Center in India and overseas startups.
The Company wishes to understand the needs of employees in their daily lives and create an even better working environment.
Supply chain initiatives
Suzuki complies with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which it does business (for example, compliance with the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors and business operations according to the five principles for procurement in the Automotive Industry Appropriate Transaction Guidelines in Japan), respects human rights and strives for environmental conservation. Also, we have established the Suzuki CSR Guidelines for Suppliers and ask our business partners to strive for compliance with laws and regulations, respect for human rights and environmental conservation.
Additional efforts regarding respect for human rights
Suzuki decided to intensify efforts to respect human rights in 2021 and conducted the following initiatives in 2022 as one aspect of human rights due diligence.
●Establishment of Suzuki Group Human Rights Policy
Following advice from outside experts, we established the Suzuki Group’s basic policy regarding human rights after passage of a resolution by the Board of Directors in December 2022. We posted the information on the Suzuki website to publicize the policy to those concerned.
●Reaching agreement with suppliers on respect for human rights
Each company in the Suzuki Group (including overseas subsidiaries) is in the process of adding a clause on respect for human rights to the basic purchasing agreements that they have concluded with suppliers.
●Survey of foreign workers
We are aware that there is a risk of human rights violations in Japan when accepting foreign technical intern trainees and in the working and living environment after accepting them. In 2022, with support from a human rights NGO, we held a seminar on the theme of foreign workers issues for our business partners in Japan and conducted a survey on such matters as the employment situation of foreign workers. As a result, we learned that about one-third of our business partners are accepting foreign technical intern trainees, and to confirm the details of their situation, started on-site surveys of suppliers together with the NGO.
●Efforts for responsible minerals procurement
Suzuki traces back the supply chain and identifies smelters using a survey form provided by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), an international framework, to confirm whether certain minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt and mica) used in Suzuki products are a source of funding for armed groups in conflict zones and other areas. The survey covers all products including automobiles, motorcycles and outboard motors. We aim to avoid using minerals suspected of human rights violations such as the use of child labor, using as a reference the “OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas” from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Protecting human rights through products
i-Size child seats* complying with the new UN Regulation No. 129 aimed at increasing safety are included as genuine accessories in all passenger cars sold in Japan.
Suzuki endorses the Children's Rights and Business Principles and strives to protect the right of children to safe transportation by ensuring the safety of products and services it provides.
- * UN Regulation No. 129: A regulation aimed at improving child restraints based on the “UN 1958 Agreement” concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions. As of October 2023.