
SUZUKI CSR Guidelines for Suppliers

Accompanied by the globalization of our business, our stakeholders such as suppliers in particular are becoming multinational and diversifying. As a result of this change in the business environment, companies like us are increasingly expected to fulfill social responsibilities considering culture and history in each country and region, not to mention complying with its laws and regulations.

Responding to these social demands, this time we put together the basic concept and issues to address with our suppliers related to social responsibilities as "CSR Guidelines for Suppliers".

We would like you to understand the main point of these guidelines and promote the activities to fulfill the corporate responsibilities with us.


Environmental Protection in Cooperation with the Suppliers

Promotion of environmental protection activities and compliance to environmental laws based on the Suzuki Green Procurement Guideline


Biodiversity Guideline

As a manufacturer of transportation equipment, Suzuki engages in environmental conservation in line with the Suzuki Global Environment Charter in order to pass on to the next generation a clean environment and a bountiful society. We also recognize the importance of the biodiversity that has always enabled people to enjoy great blessings from nature, so we treat its protection as one of our highest environmental priorities. We established the Suzuki Biodiversity Protection Guideline to guide our efforts to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity.

Basic Principles

The Suzuki group strives to reduce its impact on biodiversity and to help enable sustainable use of biodiversity. Specifically, we act in line with our "smaller, fewer, lighter, shorter, and neater" principle by pursuing environmental technologies and by making our corporate activities maximally efficient and free of waste.

Key Biodiversity Initiatives

Reducing the environmental burden of our corporate activities and products

  • (1) We pursue energy savings, resource savings, and the three Rs at each stage from product development to recycling.
  • (2) We reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by pursuing higher fuel efficiency and by developing next-generation vehicles.
  • (3) We strive to reduce the use of substances of concern throughout our supply chains.

Promotion of environmental communication

  • (1) We work with regional communities on projects for environmental beautification and conservation.
  • (2) We strive to give all workers an awareness of biodiversity and to ensure that they act in line with that awareness.
  • (3) We strive to disseminate information on the environment and information on our environmental conservation efforts.