Suzuki Environmental Vision 2050 | Milestone 2030 | |
Water resource conservation | Realize use of sustainable water resources through minimizing load on water environment by 2050 | Implement reduction of water withdrawal and purification of discharged water at all production sites through specifying water risks surrounding Suzuki by 2030 |
Basic concept
Water resources are the source of all life and the foundation of human economic activities. However, only 0.01% of the earth’s water is freshwater that humans can use.
Furthermore, due to recent climate change and population growth, the supply and demand of water resources is expected to be strained in the future. Especially in India and Southeast Asia, Suzuki’s main markets, rapid industrialization has led to excessive water withdrawal and water pollution. In light of these regional characteristics, Suzuki will assess the water risks of each of its sites and suppliers and promote water resource management according to the risk situation. In addition, to achieve sustainable use of limited water resources, we will promote the thorough reduction of water withdrawal and purification of discharged water at production sites that use large amounts of water.
Efforts in product use
Efforts in design and development
Efforts in the development of a device that collects marine plastic waste: Developed the world’s first Micro-Plastic Collecting Device for outboard motors
Marine plastic waste has become a significant environmental issue in recent years, and a huge amount of such waste that has not been gathered correctly flows into the ocean. This waste is then broken down into microplastics in the natural environment, and its impact on the ecological system is becoming a concern. To tackle this issue, we focused on the structure of the outboard motor, which pumps up a large volume of seawater to cool the engine and then returns it to the ocean. We developed a filter-type collecting device which can be attached to the hose for return water. Through this device, microplastic waste near the water’s surface can be collected just by running the boat. The device does not affect the engine’s performance since it only utilizes the returning water that has already been used to cool the engine.
Outboard motor installed with the Micro-Plastic Collecting Device
Structure of the Micro-Plastic Collecting Device
Efforts in business activities
Efforts in production
Efficient use of water resources
●Reduction of water consumption
Under the Suzuki Environmental Plan 2025, Suzuki is working to reduce water consumption by setting a target of a 10% reduction in water consumption intensity by FY2025 compared to FY2016, using the global automobile production volume as the denominator for water consumption intensity.
The Suzuki Group is making efforts to reduce the amount of water used through water-saving and reusing wastewater in domestic and overseas plants. Specifically, we are adopting airtight cooling towers, utilizing air-cooled systems for compact air conditioners, and using cooling water. Maruti Suzuki India and Suzuki Motor Gujarat, which have a particularly severe water shortage problem, achieved zero drainage discharge to the outside by reusing wastewater, using it for gardening on their premises and introducing water-saving air-cooling systems for their facilities.
The amount of water used in FY2022 in Japan increased by 7% compared to the previous fiscal year, resulting in 4.09 million m3. At overseas manufacturing subsidiaries, it increased by 15%, resulting in 5.02 million m3.
The intensity decreased by 3% compared to the previous fiscal year from 2.92 m3/unit to 2.83 m3/unit. The reason intensity worsened compared to the base year of FY2016 was due to an increase in water used as a result of efforts to produce higher quality automobiles in the painting process. Going forward, we will aim for production achieving both quality and effective water use.
In order to achieve our targets for FY2025, we will promote facility upgrades and water-saving. We plan to introduce production equipment that uses less water at upcoming new plants and existing plants that will go through updates.
Trends in global water consumption
[Scope of aggregation]
Suzuki (Iwata Plant, Kosai Plant, Osuka Plant, Sagara Plant, Hamamatsu Plant, former Takatsuka Plant (until July 2018), former Toyokawa Plant (until July 2018), and the Tooling Dept.), 4 domestic manufacturing subsidiaries, and 15 overseas manufacturing subsidiaries
●Efforts to prevent sewage spills
For the purpose of water quality management and maintenance, our environmental analysis department periodically conducts environmental measurements of plant effluent, groundwater, water used in factory processes, and industrial water to check the possibility of sewage spills from any plant. If any abnormality should be found in the water quality, a system is in place to inform the relevant department and take immediate and proper measures.
We were registered as an “Environmental Measurement and Certification Business (Concentration)” under the Measurement Act in 1994. Since then, we have continued to conduct measurement and certification of wastewater and industrial waste from the business sites of Suzuki Group companies, thereby promoting Group-wide activities for the prevention of contaminant outflow.
Environmental analysis
●Purification of plant effluent
Industrial wastewater and sewage generated from plants are purified at our wastewater treatment facility before being released to rivers or public sewerage. In discharging wastewater, we strive to reduce substances of concern by setting voluntary standards stricter than the wastewater standards specified in laws and regulations.
Under the Suzuki Environmental Plan 2025, we are working to reduce water consumption and regularly monitor the intensity of wastewater per global automobile production unit.
We will continue striving to reduce water consumption while maintaining the quality of discharged water.
●Efforts to prevent soil and groundwater contamination
• Efforts for prevention of the proliferation of soil contamination
In FY2022, all 16 business locations of domestic plants and domestic manufacturing subsidiaries conducted an investigation of the history of the land in order to record information about the risks of soil contamination due to chemical substances, etc., used in the past. Based on this investigation, we conduct soil surveys when making changes to the character of land that is at risk of soil contamination and are making efforts in purifying and removing contamination appropriately when soil contamination is found.
In FY2022, we conducted soil surveys eight times at our domestic plants, and soil contamination was found in one out of the eight cases. We removed the soil contamination by excavation.
• Efforts for cleanup of groundwater
Since the organic chlorine compounds (trichloroethylene and cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene) were discovered in the ground water at the head office and the former Takatsuka Plant in January 1999, we have continued the groundwater cleanup efforts and have conducted measurements along the plant’s site boundaries. In addition, we started bioremediation in March 2015 for groundwater cleanup using microorganisms to complete the purification as early as possible. Through the effects of bioremediation, we aim to complete the cleanup of groundwater contamination.
Trends in global wastewater volume
[Scope of aggregation]
Suzuki (Iwata Plant, Kosai Plant, Osuka Plant, Sagara Plant, Hamamatsu Plant, former Takatsuka Plant (until July 2018), former Toyokawa Plant (until July 2018), and the Tooling Dept.), 4 domestic manufacturing subsidiaries, and 15 overseas manufacturing subsidiaries
Efforts in office activities, etc.
●Thorough water-saving at offices and employee dormitories
In order to aggressively reduce water consumption, we are making efforts in raising awareness of water-saving such as by announcing specific measures and posting water-saving awareness posters in restrooms and kitchens. We are also making efforts in reducing water consumption, such as by installing automated faucets for hand washing and introducing water-saving equipment.
Efforts in the supply chain, etc.
Efforts in procurement
●Understanding the information on water risks of our business partners (Japan)
Suzuki conducts annual research on information regarding water risks of our domestic business partners with large purchasing amounts to obtain information on water risk. Through the research, we keep track of their water consumption trends and status of water risk evaluation. In the FY2022 survey, those evaluating physical risks including flooding and drought within the company were 85%, and those evaluating regulation and reputation risks regarding water usage were 78%. We will continue making efforts in the research while expanding it to overseas business partners as well.