Clean-Up the Waterside in Oceania

On August 7th & 8th, 2021, volunteers in Australia, Palau, and Tahiti, joined Suzuki Marine dealers and distributors in the Oceania as an aim of Suzuki’s ‘Clean-up the World Campaign’. Suzuki set up this campaign as part of the activities of SUZUKI CLEAN OCEAN PROJECT and now we try to open this campaign to all the people who are interested in environmental preservation activities. So, the dealers and distributors in the countries above asked for the participation of domestic people on Instagram/Facebook this time.

In Australia, 22 volunteers joined clean-up activities at 2 locations, in Melbourne and in Woodman Point Western Australia. They collected over 50kg of wastes.





In Palau, 10 people took action and picked up 65kg of wastes to keep the beautiful sight in Koror South Rock Island.
In Tahiti, “NAUTISPORT” the dealer in Tahiti held the event and 40 people attended from several local environmental associations/organizations. This is their 8th event ever and they collected 780kg of wastes in the industrial park of Fare Ute. 3 of 7 teams, which collected the most wastes, won the purchase vouchers.
One of the attendees from the association ECO KIDS said it is important to make an action even on a small scale during our generation in order to make the impact to our children and the next generations smaller.
They also have the online campaign, so please check it out on Facebook/Instagram with the hashtag below and clean-up the waterside with NAUTISPORT.

Hashtag: #suzukicleanoceanproject

Again, Clean-Up the World Campaign is one of our actions in SUZUKI CLEAN OCEAN PROJECT for a better marine environment. We believe it is incumbent on Suzuki to make the utmost effort by taking baby steps. Suzuki continuously challenge to expand our actions and make more opportunities for you to join us. We await “your” support to clean-up the whole world!
