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19 April 2024

Suzuki Donates Auto Mechanic Training Kits
to the National Institute of Professional Preparation
of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Suzuki Motor Corporation (hereinafter “Suzuki”) has donated auto mechanic training kits to the National Institute of Professional Preparation (hereinafter “INPP”) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Suzuki decided to donate necessary kits for auto mechanic trainings conducted at INPP to support the technical cooperation between INPP and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) which started in 2011.
Suzuki donated a total of 590 items including pre-owned Jimny, engines, spare parts, and special tools.

On 18 April, donation ceremony was held at the INPP headquarters located in the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa, in the presence of Claudine Ndusi M'kembe, Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Security of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Hidenobu Maekawa, Counselor and Deputy of Embassy of Japan in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Jean-Marie Lukulasi Massamba, President of Administration Council of INPP. At the ceremony, list of donations and replica key of donating car were presented.

<Comment from Suzuki’s President, Toshihiro Suzuki>

“With the economic growth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we expect the popularization of cars, which will lead to increase in demand for after-sales services and auto mechanics. Therefore, I am confident that the importance of auto mechanic training by INPP will grow. With the cars always running in good condition, and through improvement of mobility and traffic safety, I wish that the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo can live comfortably with peace of mind.”